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Centennial Trailer Park Master Plan

SGL along with a team of consultants were retained by the City of Kawartha Lakes to prepare a Master Plan for Centennial Trailer Park in Kawartha Lakes to address the continued operation of the Park, with the identification of future rehabilitation, replacement or expansion for the next 20 years. The purpose of the Master Plan was to review information on existing conditions, assess existing water, wastewater and sanitary infrastructure,review the existing site, configuration, analyze existing operating practices and services offered, and identify an Implementation Strategy and cost estimate for how the park should be rehabilitated and maintained over the next 20 years. The Master Plan set a vision for the future operation of the Park to ensure facilities and amenities are adequate for the needs of the growing community. The vision of the Master Plan was built upon public and stakeholder consultation and addresses environmental, social and economic concerns to ensure that the Park can operate sustainably over the long-term. This project was approved by Council in the Spring of 2024


City of Kawartha Lakes


Kirkfield, Kawartha Lakes


Completed 2024


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