Thornbury Density and Intensification Study

As the Town of The Blue Mountains grows, a large portion of its permanent population and new units are to be allocated to the urban area of Thornbury. The purpose of the Thornbury Density and Intensification Study was to inventory the key elements of character that make Thornbury’s individual neighbourhoods unique and explore opportunities to accommodate compatible infill and intensification, as well as suitable housing types and densities based on current built form character.
The Study involved the delineation of a number of "Planning Neighbourhoods" and the identification of several example sites within each neighbourhood, along with applicable site and built form recommendations.
The Study also provided recommendations for Official Plan and zoning updates. SGL was subsequently retained to assist the Town in their Five-Year Official Plan Update, providing the opportunity to further implement the Study's recommendations.
Town of the Blue Mountains
Blue Mountains
Completed 2022
Project Website