
Bolton Secondary Plan Update
A comprehensive consulting team project managed and led by SGL was hired by the Town of Caledon to update existing secondary plans and prepare a new secondary plan for Bolton along Highway 50. This project involved a review and consolidation of the Town’s six existing secondary plans to create one modern and innovative plan to guide intensification and land use throughout the Town, involved a feasibility study to determine if a second GO Train Station and Major Transit Station Area can be supported in Bolton, preparation of planning alternatives an selection of a preferred plan for the development of a focused study area along the Queen Street / Regional Road 50 corridor, and addressing land use compatibility of mixed land uses for 33 Pillsworth Road located at the intersection of Mayfield Road and Regional Road 50. Our team is currently finalizing technical studies in support of the updated secondary plan as well as the final Secondary Plan.
Town of Caledon
2023 - Present
Project Website